یہ جنگلی بوٹی ہے جوکہ زیادہ تر ریتلی خشک زمین پراُگتی ہے۔ اُردو میں اس کو دھودھک نام سے پہچانا جاتا ہے۔ یہ نازک جامنی رنگ کی پتلی شاخوں والا پودا ہوتا ہے جو زمین پر پھیلتا ہے۔ اس کے پتے گہرے سبز سرمئی رنگ کے ہوتے ہیں اس کا آبائی علاقہ تو جنوبی امریکہ ارجنٹائن، برازیل، بولیویا، ایکواڈور، میکسیکو اور سنٹرل امریکہ ہیں، مگر دنیا کے بیشتر گرم علاقوں میں یہ بوٹی پھیل چکی ہے اور برصغیر پاک وہند سمیت ایران، افغانستان اور کچھ عرب ممالک سمیت افریقہ کے کئی ممالک میں بھی یہ جنگلی طور پر اُگتی ہے۔ ہمارے ملک میں تو گرم علاقوں میں یہ جا بجا سڑک، فٹ پاتھ، رستوں کے کناروں اور زیادہ تر اُن گملوں میں خود بخود اُگ آتی ہے جہاں باقاعدگی سے پانی دستیاب نہ ہو۔ اس کے بیچ نہایت باریک ہوتے ہیں جو ہوا اور پرندوں کے نقل و عمل سے باآسانی ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ منتقل ہوجاتے ہیں۔
Euphorbia Prostrata: ,,,دھودھک بوٹی,,, ہزار دانی
FAMILY: Euphorbiaceae
(1) According to Charak Pharmaceuticals (The Ayurvedic Medicine Industry in India) the soup of Dugdhika is beneficial in diarrhea and painful bleeding of piles. He has prescribed its latex for ring worm and for eruptive boils. In the traditional medicinal practice of konkan people also, the extract of this plant is applied for the cure of ringworms.
(2) Bhaavaprakash states that Dugdhika is expectorant as it can cure aggravated cough. Besides this a paste of the plant cures skin diseases and parasitic infections. If used internally, its extract promotes conception. It is aphrodisiac and possesses age sustaining properties.
(3) In Tamil traditional Medicinal practices the leaves and seeds of this plant are given in cases of worms and certain bowel affections of children.
(4) In North- Indian traditional practice the extract of plant is considered to be stimulant and laxative.
(5) The Santal tribals of Jharkhand and other regions use the extract of its roots as remedy for treating amenorrhoea (the absence of a period in a woman of reproductive age).
(6) The extract or the powder of this plant mixed in alcohol is used as a remedy for snakebites.
(7) It has been reported that the extract of Euphorbia thymifolia is antiviral and anti oxidant. It has also been reported to act as diuretic, laxative, detumiscent, anti-diarrheic, anti-malarial, anti-rash, anti-dysentery, anti-carbuncle, detoxificant, and anti-hemorrhoidal.
It has been reported that the extract of this plant when combined with 1.5% HCl can inhibit the growth of both the Gram positive (Bacillus subtilis) and Gram negative bacteria (E.coli).
(9) It has also been reported that the aqueous extract of E. thymifolia possessive laxative properties.
دھودھک نامی بوٹی جسے ہزار دانی بھی کہتے ہیں ۔آنتوں سے پاخانہ کے ساتھ آنے والا خون جو کسی دوائی سے نہ رکتا ہو اس بوٹی کو رگڑ کر پینے سے صرف تین دن میں رک جاتا ہے ا, , دمہ کے لئے ایک مؤثر دوا ہے., پلانٹ کی رس داد، اسہال اور پیچش کے لئے استعمال کیا جاتا ہے؛, اینٹی ملیریا،,, پتوں کا رس داد ۔ دھَدری, دھَدر کے علاج کیلئے لگایا جاتا ہے، ایک جِلدی مَرض جو عام طَور پَر بَرسات اور زیادَہ پَسینے والے مَوسَم میں ہوتا ہے ۔ زیادَہ تَر کَشمیر میں ہوتا ہے,
BOTANICAL NAME: Euphorbia Thymifolia Linn.FAMILY: Euphorbiaceae
(1) According to Charak Pharmaceuticals (The Ayurvedic Medicine Industry in India) the soup of Dugdhika is beneficial in diarrhea and painful bleeding of piles. He has prescribed its latex for ring worm and for eruptive boils. In the traditional medicinal practice of konkan people also, the extract of this plant is applied for the cure of ringworms.
(2) Bhaavaprakash states that Dugdhika is expectorant as it can cure aggravated cough. Besides this a paste of the plant cures skin diseases and parasitic infections. If used internally, its extract promotes conception. It is aphrodisiac and possesses age sustaining properties.
(3) In Tamil traditional Medicinal practices the leaves and seeds of this plant are given in cases of worms and certain bowel affections of children.
(4) In North- Indian traditional practice the extract of plant is considered to be stimulant and laxative.
(5) The Santal tribals of Jharkhand and other regions use the extract of its roots as remedy for treating amenorrhoea (the absence of a period in a woman of reproductive age).
(6) The extract or the powder of this plant mixed in alcohol is used as a remedy for snakebites.
(7) It has been reported that the extract of Euphorbia thymifolia is antiviral and anti oxidant. It has also been reported to act as diuretic, laxative, detumiscent, anti-diarrheic, anti-malarial, anti-rash, anti-dysentery, anti-carbuncle, detoxificant, and anti-hemorrhoidal.
It has been reported that the extract of this plant when combined with 1.5% HCl can inhibit the growth of both the Gram positive (Bacillus subtilis) and Gram negative bacteria (E.coli).
(9) It has also been reported that the aqueous extract of E. thymifolia possessive laxative properties.
USEFUL INFORMATION: The fresh plant is considered vulnerary and galactagogue; used in ophthalmia and other eye troubles, ardor, sores, atrophy, dysentery and Brest pain. It is an effective drug for bronchial asthma. Juice of the plant is used for ringworm, diarrhoea and dysentery; mixed with fresh goat milk is given to cure blood dysentery. Leaves and seeds are astringent, stimulant, anthelmintic and laxative; given to children in bowel complaints. Root is used in amenorrhoea
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research - wjpr
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research - wjpr
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