مرغ کلغی پھول
Plumed Cockscomb انگریزی نام
Celosia Argentea نباتاتی نام
مرغ کلغی پودا بہت آسانی سے بیج سے اُگایا جا سکتا ہے۔ اس کے بیج نہایت ہی باریک اور زیادہ تر کالے رنگ کے چھوٹے چھوٹے دانے ہوتے ہیں جن کا وزن نہایت ہی ہلکا ہوتا ہے۔ فروری کے مہینے میں اس کے بیج بوئے جاتےہیں۔ اس کیلئے عام مٹی اور قدرتی کھاد کی مناسب مقدار میں یا بھل کی مٹی نہایت مفید ہوتی ہے۔ مرغ کلغی کیلئے ایسی جگہ یا گملے کا انتخاب کیاجانا چاہئے جہاں سے نکاس آب آسانی سے ممکن ہو کیونکہ زیادہ پانی پودے کو خراب کرسکتی ہے۔ بہار کے اختتام پر اس پودے پر پھول لگنا شروع ہوجاتے ہیں جو پوری گرمی کے موسم میں بہار دکھاتے ہیں۔ اس کا پودا دو یا تین فٹ کی اُنچائی تک جاتا ہے جبکہ پھول پودے کے اُوپری سرے پر مرغ کی کلغی جیسے شکل میں اُگتے ہیں۔ اس پودے کے دیگر اقسام میں پھول اس سے مختلف بھی ہوسکتے ہیں اور کئی رنگ، سرخ، گلابی، شوخ گلابی، زرد، نارنجی اور دیگر رنگوں میں اس کے پھول کھلتے ہیں۔ مرغ کلغی پودے کی کئی ہائبرڈ اقسام بہت آسانی سے کسی بھی نرسری سے لئے جاسکتے ہیں جن میں پھولوں کے رنگ، کلغی کی شکل اور پودے کی جسامت مختلف ہوسکتی ہے اور چونکہ یہ ہمارے ملک کے موسم سے مطابقت بھی رکھتے ہیں اس لئے یہاں پر خوب پھلتے پھولتے ہیں۔ ہائبرڈ پودوں میں ایک مسئلہ یہ ہوتا ہے کہ زیادہ تر اُن کے بیج اگلی فصل کیلئے استعمال نہیں ہوسکتے لیکن مقامی طور پر دستیاب اس علاقے کے اپنے پودوں کے بیج سے سال ہا سال نئے پودے لئے جاسکتے ہیں۔ اگر پودے کو اچھی خوراک اور مناسب پانی دیا جائے تو اس کی بڑھوتری بہت اچھی ہوتی ہے اور اس سے لئے گئے بیج سے اچھی نسل کے پودے مقامی طور پر لئے جاسکتے ہیں۔ یہ پودا دھوپ چھاوں میں بھی اُگتا ہے مگر اس کی بہترین نشونما کیلئے اس کو مکمل دھوپ کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے، یعنی اس کو ایسی جگہ پر کاشت کرنا چاہئے جہاں زیادہ سے زیادہ دھوپ دستیاب ہو۔ یہ بطور کٹ فلاور بھی گھروں کی آرائش میں استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ گلدان میں اس کی شیلف لائف کئی دنوں تک ممکن ہے۔ کئی ممالک میں مرغ کلغی پھول کو تجارتی بنیادوں پر اُگایا جاتا ہے، جہاں اس کے پھول پتے نہ صرف آرائش بلکہ کھانے پینے سمیت کئی ادویات میں بھی استعمال ہوتے ہیں۔ ہمارے ملک پاکستان میں اس کی کافی اقسام دستیاب ہیں جو کہ بہت آسانی سے اُگائے جاسکتے ہیں۔ پاکستان، ایران، انڈیا، افغانستان کا موسم اس پودے کیلئے نہایت ہی موزوں ہے۔
مرغ کلغی پودے کے طبی خواص پر تفصیلی نوٹ جناب اخلاق خان کاکڑ صاحب نے فیس بک پر تفصیل سے شائع کی ہیں جن کو ہوبہو یہاں نقل کیا جاتا ہے۔
نوٹ: کسی بھی ادویاتی پودے (نباتات) کو بغیر معالج/محقق کے مشورے کے بغیر
استعمال ہرگز نہ کریں۔
Plant Name: Celosia Argentea: Cockscomb ( مرغ کی کلغی )
قبض کُشا، آشوب چشم، جراثیم کش دوا ، خونی بواسیر , پیشاب میں خون، لیکوریا، سیلان رحم ، اسہال , سیڈ اینٹی بائیوٹکس ،جراثیم کُش ہے، ,امیبائی پیچش ,دست، آدمی کا پَروٹوزون طُفَیلی جو یُوریتھرا کو مُتَاثَر کَرتا ہے، آنکھوں کا دھندلا پن, سفید موتیا ,موتیابند اور ہائی بلڈ پریشر, یرکان, زیابیطس کا مریض , زخموں اور بخار, منہ کے چھالے اور بدبو، : معدہ اور آنت کی بیماری، مِعدہ اور چھوٹی آنت کی میُوکَس جھِلّی کی سوزِش ، چھوٹی آنت کا زخم ، درد ٹھیک کرتی ہے،
نوٹ؛: سَبز موتیا ۔ کالا موتیا کے مریض اسے استعمال نہ کریں ۔ اِس مَرض میں آنکھ میں سَخَت دَرد ہوتا ہے ۔ پانی کا بَہاو آنکھ کی طَرَف زیادہ ہو جاتا ہے,
قبض کُشا، آشوب چشم، جراثیم کش دوا ، خونی بواسیر , پیشاب میں خون، لیکوریا، سیلان رحم ، اسہال , سیڈ اینٹی بائیوٹکس ،جراثیم کُش ہے، ,امیبائی پیچش ,دست، آدمی کا پَروٹوزون طُفَیلی جو یُوریتھرا کو مُتَاثَر کَرتا ہے، آنکھوں کا دھندلا پن, سفید موتیا ,موتیابند اور ہائی بلڈ پریشر, یرکان, زیابیطس کا مریض , زخموں اور بخار, منہ کے چھالے اور بدبو، : معدہ اور آنت کی بیماری، مِعدہ اور چھوٹی آنت کی میُوکَس جھِلّی کی سوزِش ، چھوٹی آنت کا زخم ، درد ٹھیک کرتی ہے،
نوٹ؛: سَبز موتیا ۔ کالا موتیا کے مریض اسے استعمال نہ کریں ۔ اِس مَرض میں آنکھ میں سَخَت دَرد ہوتا ہے ۔ پانی کا بَہاو آنکھ کی طَرَف زیادہ ہو جاتا ہے,
Parts used
· Seeds, leaves, stems, roots.
Uses Edibility
- Leaves are eaten as a vegetable; a good source of protein and carbohydrate.
- In West Tropical Africa, considered an excellent pot-herb and a slightly bitter spinach alternative, rich in protein and vitamins.
- In the Moluccas, cultivated as a vegetable.
- In the Philippines, eaten as vegetable, but not given to women during menstruation.
· In the Philippines, seeds, finely powdered or in decoction, used for diarrhea or as an aphrodisiac.
- For redness and swelling of the eyes, photophobia, and frequent lacrimation with intense headache, a 6-gm seed preparation is mixed with 6 gms each of Morus alba and individual flower preparation of Chrysanthemum sp. and a stem preparation of Equisetum is boiled and drunk as decoction once daily.
· Bruised stems and leaves are applied as poultice for infected sores, boils, and skin eruptions.
· Poultice of leaves, smeared with honey, used as cooling application to inflamed areas and painful affections such as buboes and abscesses.
· Seeds are used to relieve gastrointestinal disorders and are antipyretic, improves vision, relieves fever associated with liver ailments.
· Seeds when in decoction or finely powdered, are considered antidiarrheal and aphrodisiac.
· The juice of the seeds forced into the nostrils is a cure for epistaxis.
· Whole plant used as antidote for snake-poison.
· Root used for colic, gonorrhea and eczema.
· Decoction of the seeds with sugar is prescribed against dysentery.
· Flowers and seeds used for bloody stools, hemorrhoidal bleeding, leucorrhea and diarrhea.
· In Indian folk medicine, used for diabetes. Seeds traditionally used for treatment of jaundice, diarrhea, gonorrhea, wounds and fever.
· In Sri Lanka, leaves used for inflammations, fever and itching. Seeds used for fever and mouth sores.
· In China, flowers and seeds used in treatment of gastroenteritis and leucorrhea.
· In Antilles, decoction of flowers used for phthisis.
· Seeds, leaves, stems, roots.
Uses Edibility
- Leaves are eaten as a vegetable; a good source of protein and carbohydrate.
- In West Tropical Africa, considered an excellent pot-herb and a slightly bitter spinach alternative, rich in protein and vitamins.
- In the Moluccas, cultivated as a vegetable.
- In the Philippines, eaten as vegetable, but not given to women during menstruation.
· In the Philippines, seeds, finely powdered or in decoction, used for diarrhea or as an aphrodisiac.
- For redness and swelling of the eyes, photophobia, and frequent lacrimation with intense headache, a 6-gm seed preparation is mixed with 6 gms each of Morus alba and individual flower preparation of Chrysanthemum sp. and a stem preparation of Equisetum is boiled and drunk as decoction once daily.
· Bruised stems and leaves are applied as poultice for infected sores, boils, and skin eruptions.
· Poultice of leaves, smeared with honey, used as cooling application to inflamed areas and painful affections such as buboes and abscesses.
· Seeds are used to relieve gastrointestinal disorders and are antipyretic, improves vision, relieves fever associated with liver ailments.
· Seeds when in decoction or finely powdered, are considered antidiarrheal and aphrodisiac.
· The juice of the seeds forced into the nostrils is a cure for epistaxis.
· Whole plant used as antidote for snake-poison.
· Root used for colic, gonorrhea and eczema.
· Decoction of the seeds with sugar is prescribed against dysentery.
· Flowers and seeds used for bloody stools, hemorrhoidal bleeding, leucorrhea and diarrhea.
· In Indian folk medicine, used for diabetes. Seeds traditionally used for treatment of jaundice, diarrhea, gonorrhea, wounds and fever.
· In Sri Lanka, leaves used for inflammations, fever and itching. Seeds used for fever and mouth sores.
· In China, flowers and seeds used in treatment of gastroenteritis and leucorrhea.
· In Antilles, decoction of flowers used for phthisis.
• Antibacterial: Study of crude extracts of Datura alba and Celosia argentea leaves showed significant lysis zone against all pathogens, results comparable with antibiotic cream Silver Sulphadiazine.
• Antiinflammatory: Anti- inflammatory activity of an isolated flavonoid fraction from Celosia argentea Linn.: Study showed the flavonoid content possesses significant anti-inflammatory activity.
• Anti-metastatic / Immunomodulating Properties: Water extract of CA showed an anti-metastatic effect based on immunomodulating properties including induction of cytokines such as IL-12, IL-2 and IFN-gamma which may provide the basis for its inhibition of cancer metastasis.
• Anti-diabetic / Seeds: Chronic administration of an alcoholic extract of Celosia argentea significantly reduced the blood glucose in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.
•Antihepatotoxic and Immunostimulating: Immunostimulating activity of celosian, an antihepatotoxic polysaccharide isolated from Celosia argentea: Study indicates CA has antihepatotoxic and immunostimulating effects.
• Wound Healing: Study showed wound closure occurred earlier in treated rats. The salutary effect may be due to mitogenic and motogenic promotion of dental fibroblasts.
• Antioxidant: Study of the methanolic extracts of nine edible vegetables in Southwest Nigeria showed C argentea to be pro-oxidant. The antioxidant activity was supported by the membrane stabilizing capacity of the extracts.
• Intraepithelial Lymphocyte Effect / Dietary Caution: Study showed that although a CA diet in normal mice did not affect the small intestine there was a increase in the intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL). Further studies are suggested before using it it as minor cereals.
• Celogentins / Antimitotic Peptides: Study yielded three new bicyclic peptides, celogentins A, B and C together with a known-related peptide, moroidin. The new celogentins inhibited the polymerization of tubulin, with celogentin C being four times more potent than moroidin.
• Prooxidant / Antioxidant: Study of varied extracts of nine edible vegetables in Southwest Nigeria showed all to be pro-oxidants at high concentrations. On cytoprotectivity effect, all demonstrated a very low hemagglutination titer value.
• Anti-Diarrheal: Study of the alcoholic extract of leaves of Celosia argentea showed dose-related anti-diarrheal effect. Results suggest it may act centrally and may inhibit PGE2. A charcoal meal test also suggests an anti-muscarinic activity.
• Antimicrobial: Study of extracts of Celosia inflorescence exhibited maximum antimicrobial activity. Pseudomonas was found to be more sensitive, while alcohol and ethyl acetate extracts exhibited the more significant inhibition.
• Antioxidant / Corrosion Inhibition: Study of methanolic extract of CA showed antioxidant activity using DPPH and hydroxyl radical scavenging assay methods, similar to standard ascorbic acid. CA showed to be an efficient, eco-friendly, and low-cost corrosion inhibitor for MS (mild steel) in industrial water medium.
• Cytogenotoxic / Nutrient Composition: In a study of three commonly consumed vegetables in South-Western Nigeria, an aqueous extract of Celosia argentea yielded carbohydrate of 31.41%, protein 30.79%, ash 19.98%, and fat 0.22%. Mineral analysis yielded magnesium, zinc, lead, and iron. It showed concentration dependent mitotic inhibitory effect on mitosis of A. cepa, an indication of cytotoxicity. The antimitotic potential of the extract presents a potential for use in drug development for use in prevention of uncontrolled proliferation of cancer cells.
• Anti-Inflammatory / Leaves: Study evaluated CA leaves for anti-inflammatory activity by carrageenan induced paw edema method in albino rats. Methanol and chloroform extracts showed maximal anti-inflammatory activity when compared to standard drug.
• Antiurolithiatic Activity / Seeds: Study evaluated the antiurolithiatic activity of an ethanolic extract of CA seeds. Results showed antiurolithiatic activity, more efficacious at dose of 500 mg kbw. Results suggest a potent prophylactic effect on stone formation, a mechanism unrelated to its diuretic effect.
• Benefits in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia / Effect on PSA: Study evaluated the effect of leaves of CA on antioxidant status, PSA (prostatic specific antigen) and hematological parameters in prostatic rats. Results showed significant decrease in PSA levels with considerable improvement in prostatic histology. Findings suggest potential for CA-supplemented diet to prevent or suppress development of BPH in rats.
• Anti-diabetic / Roots: Study evaluated the anti-diabetic hypoglycemic activities of an ethanolic extract of roots of C. argentea in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Results showed reduction of blood sugar together with reduction in cholesterol, triglycerides and urea, with restoration of decreased level of proteins and liver glycogen.
• Antibacterial: Study of crude extracts of Datura alba and Celosia argentea leaves showed significant lysis zone against all pathogens, results comparable with antibiotic cream Silver Sulphadiazine.
• Antiinflammatory: Anti- inflammatory activity of an isolated flavonoid fraction from Celosia argentea Linn.: Study showed the flavonoid content possesses significant anti-inflammatory activity.
• Anti-metastatic / Immunomodulating Properties: Water extract of CA showed an anti-metastatic effect based on immunomodulating properties including induction of cytokines such as IL-12, IL-2 and IFN-gamma which may provide the basis for its inhibition of cancer metastasis.
• Anti-diabetic / Seeds: Chronic administration of an alcoholic extract of Celosia argentea significantly reduced the blood glucose in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.
•Antihepatotoxic and Immunostimulating: Immunostimulating activity of celosian, an antihepatotoxic polysaccharide isolated from Celosia argentea: Study indicates CA has antihepatotoxic and immunostimulating effects.
• Wound Healing: Study showed wound closure occurred earlier in treated rats. The salutary effect may be due to mitogenic and motogenic promotion of dental fibroblasts.
• Antioxidant: Study of the methanolic extracts of nine edible vegetables in Southwest Nigeria showed C argentea to be pro-oxidant. The antioxidant activity was supported by the membrane stabilizing capacity of the extracts.
• Intraepithelial Lymphocyte Effect / Dietary Caution: Study showed that although a CA diet in normal mice did not affect the small intestine there was a increase in the intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL). Further studies are suggested before using it it as minor cereals.
• Celogentins / Antimitotic Peptides: Study yielded three new bicyclic peptides, celogentins A, B and C together with a known-related peptide, moroidin. The new celogentins inhibited the polymerization of tubulin, with celogentin C being four times more potent than moroidin.
• Prooxidant / Antioxidant: Study of varied extracts of nine edible vegetables in Southwest Nigeria showed all to be pro-oxidants at high concentrations. On cytoprotectivity effect, all demonstrated a very low hemagglutination titer value.
• Anti-Diarrheal: Study of the alcoholic extract of leaves of Celosia argentea showed dose-related anti-diarrheal effect. Results suggest it may act centrally and may inhibit PGE2. A charcoal meal test also suggests an anti-muscarinic activity.
• Antimicrobial: Study of extracts of Celosia inflorescence exhibited maximum antimicrobial activity. Pseudomonas was found to be more sensitive, while alcohol and ethyl acetate extracts exhibited the more significant inhibition.
• Antioxidant / Corrosion Inhibition: Study of methanolic extract of CA showed antioxidant activity using DPPH and hydroxyl radical scavenging assay methods, similar to standard ascorbic acid. CA showed to be an efficient, eco-friendly, and low-cost corrosion inhibitor for MS (mild steel) in industrial water medium.
• Cytogenotoxic / Nutrient Composition: In a study of three commonly consumed vegetables in South-Western Nigeria, an aqueous extract of Celosia argentea yielded carbohydrate of 31.41%, protein 30.79%, ash 19.98%, and fat 0.22%. Mineral analysis yielded magnesium, zinc, lead, and iron. It showed concentration dependent mitotic inhibitory effect on mitosis of A. cepa, an indication of cytotoxicity. The antimitotic potential of the extract presents a potential for use in drug development for use in prevention of uncontrolled proliferation of cancer cells.
• Anti-Inflammatory / Leaves: Study evaluated CA leaves for anti-inflammatory activity by carrageenan induced paw edema method in albino rats. Methanol and chloroform extracts showed maximal anti-inflammatory activity when compared to standard drug.
• Antiurolithiatic Activity / Seeds: Study evaluated the antiurolithiatic activity of an ethanolic extract of CA seeds. Results showed antiurolithiatic activity, more efficacious at dose of 500 mg kbw. Results suggest a potent prophylactic effect on stone formation, a mechanism unrelated to its diuretic effect.
• Benefits in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia / Effect on PSA: Study evaluated the effect of leaves of CA on antioxidant status, PSA (prostatic specific antigen) and hematological parameters in prostatic rats. Results showed significant decrease in PSA levels with considerable improvement in prostatic histology. Findings suggest potential for CA-supplemented diet to prevent or suppress development of BPH in rats.
• Anti-diabetic / Roots: Study evaluated the anti-diabetic hypoglycemic activities of an ethanolic extract of roots of C. argentea in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Results showed reduction of blood sugar together with reduction in cholesterol, triglycerides and urea, with restoration of decreased level of proteins and liver glycogen.
Light is one of the most important factors for growing houseplants.Plants suitable for karachi All plants require light for photosynthesis, the process within a plant that converts light, oxygen and water into carbohydrates (energy). Plants require this energy in order to grow, bloom and produce seed.